My Goals for 2018 and a Look Back at Old Goals

Like the year 2018 that lies ahead, this blog is a wide-open empty vessel.  What I pour into it is all up to me.  One of the things I’ve done many times over the years is to publish my goals for the year ahead. I did this many times, in 2016, my goals were somewhat modest.  Looking back, I didn’t read the 12 books I vowed to, nor did I rejoin the gym. Sigh.

Goals Recap

In 2015, my first goal of all was ‘stay alive.’  I had been diagnosed in November 2014 with SSL lymphoma, but no treatment was prescribed then. Still, I was terrified and I just wanted to make it through the year.  Now, in 2017, I will begin chemotherapy on January 18, for two days and then follow it up in February and March with another round. I have been told that it’s not the old kind of chemo where you lose your hair etc, but still, it’s chemo.  But I don’t have any of the dread and fear that came over me when I was diagnosed. I am surprised I am not more freaked, but I am ok.

In 2015 and 2016, I made the same goal, that is to become a podcaster and share some of the travel stories that writers send us to publish on GoNOMAD. I think the key here is to make it short, and not ponderous, and to find ways to seed questions so that the authors come off as articulate.  It’s a work in progress.

I find that I keep ‘goaling’ about working outside of my house. The co-working space in Greenfield has been coming along, it might even be open.

For this year, I think I’ll keep it ‘doable’ and not stack too many goals in check with what can really happen.  Here are my goals for 2018:

  1. Rid my body of lymphoma, let the Retuxin do its magic, get rid of this disease.  Chemotherapy starts January 18. Hoping for the best.
  2. Exercise in some form, every day, and work on extending my run/walk so that it’s long and gives me what I need.
  3. Double my income from my website.
  4. Begin a podcast. Weekly or monthly, just try to get something going.
  5. Increase the number of visitors to GoNOMAD
  6. Figure out how to sell our own tours and see if we can organize a trip with another partner
  7. Go to Africa
  8. Be kinder, be quieter, be nicer and cultivate more harmony in our home.