My Goals for 2015

Here are my goals for 2015

Stay alive.   With a health scare in October I was and am most concerned about being here. I don’t have a life threatening illness, thank God but as with all of you, I just want to survive here for as long as I can!   I have a new doctor right in my village, and so intend to work with him to keep myself in good shape.  Following our healthy diet and continuing my new standard, only two drinks.

Become a Travel Podcaster  I’ve done these before but there is a new urgency to jumping into this medium. I am going to combine interviews with travel writers from GoNOMAD with commentary of my own and create a rich library of interesting conversations. Podcasting sets  you apart and some of my colleagues have been creating them so it’s time for me to give it a shot.

Be kinder, more gentle, and less negative.  I need to embrace the light and find more of the goodness and less of the bad in people around me. I want to be in the same kind of harmony and warmth that we get when the fire is going and we are sitting before it.  I want this serenity to be a big part of life in 2015.

Sell Big Campaigns  I want to reach out to more brands and have more meetings and get more business in our sponsorship campaigns. Find new partners to work with.

Work Outside the Home  I want to work with interesting and creative people and will begin this by working at Eastworks at the Co-lab in Easthampton in January. We will see where this will lead. A goal for the year is to facilitate opening a co-working space in Deerfield or Greenfield.

Travel Widely  I want to make it to Africa or Asia this year, and keep moving around the world, one trip a month. What will the 12 destinations be? Don’t  know for sure yet.

Play Bridge,  I want to find people who play bridge and want to make a regular game . Play Poker.  Get our regular games going to at least once a month.

Meet for Breakfast  I have been enjoying meeting friends for breakfast and lunch. I want to keep reaching out to new people and sharing our lives with conversation.

Keep Running. I am doing about 5 runs a week, usually 4 miles sometimes shorter, I want to continue this regimen. It feels good!