London’s Calling, and This Time I Didn’t Hang Up

You know that feeling when you are searching airfares, and get so close, and then bail out, never actually hitting the ‘buy’ button? The fares, the dreams, and your whole trip gets thrown out when you just don’t have the nerve to do it. Sometimes when you go back to the same site to try and get that fare, it’s gone.
I had that experience three times already with this trip–but today I pulled the trigger, and bought the tickets. I’m going to be attending the World Travel Market in London in early November, and I’ve booked tickets from New York aboard a Norwegian Air Shuttle Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
I have been to three great meetings in the past six months, first to San Francisco for Canada Media Market, then to Houston for PRSA and then New Orleans for the IPW show. I have realized that if you want to catch big fish, you have to go after them where they are. So each time I commit to traveling somewhere far for a big meeting, I get to meet contacts who can further our business. It just makes sense. I have never regretted taking a chance and attending a large travel show. It just makes sense.
I”m pleased that one of GoNOMAD’s best writers, Cindy-Lou Dale, has offered to host me for a few days at her country estate outside of the city where she lives with her husband, a photographer. Now to just find a simple Air BnB for London, and my five day jaunt across the pond will be all set up.