It’s Time for the New York Times Travel Show in the Big Apple

There's always a big line of travelers waiting to walk the aisles and see the attractions at the travel show.
There’s always a big line of travelers waiting to walk the aisles and see the attractions at the travel show.

This time of year is always exciting…because tomorrow I’ll join Paul Shoul and we’ll spend the next three days at the NY Times Travel Show in the big city!

We will be staying at a new place that I’m looking forward to sharing. It’s called Furnished Quarters, and they offer fully furnished apartments and lofts. We will be staying at 70 Pine St. in the financial district, which is great because for some reason every party that takes place always seems to be in the Village, right nearby.

We have a long history with this travel show. Many years ago, we used to bring a booth and we would meet writers, readers and tourism people there. It was fun but a lot of work putting up the booth, lugging all of the brochures and give-aways, and mostly, just doing so much talking, all day long. Now instead of manning a both, we take our time and visit the people we want to connect with. After doing the trade-show booth for five years, we realized why so few other websites man booths. It’s too much for too little.

But one thing we really love is a chance to do a presentation. This year Paul and I are back up on stage with “Travel Writing for Beginners,” where we will provide the most beginner writers some ideas about the best ways to write, get published, and prosper as a travel writer. Paul and I have put a lot of thought into our presentations, and the butterflies we both have in our chests will do nothing but make our session better! It’s taking place at 1 pm on Sunday January 10, downstairs in the seminar rooms of the vast Jacob Javits Convention Center. I hope to see you there!