Montreal and Mt Tremblanc Mark the First Trip of the Year

It’s time to hit the road again. This time, a long, windy and snowy road that heads up north out of South Deerfield and goes 272 miles to the north and then northwest to the city of Montreal.  I’m heading straight for the Queen Elizabeth hotel, and I’ll trust my hosts to show me a great time in the city that always feels like Europe.  Anyone who’s been up to Montreal in recent years will say that.

I like to keep my itinerary a bit of a surprise, opening it up every day like a box of candies. So I’m not really sure what is on the agenda, but I’m sure we’ll see some museums, some city sights, and meet interesting locals along the way. On Friday I’ll head up to the big mountain of Quebec, Mont Tremblanc, where I”ll ski and do other snowy kinds of things.

Follow along, I promise to fill you in tonight about what I saw, heard and tasted!