Thanks, Mitt! Your Insurance in the Bay State Works for Me

Have you listened to Mitt Romney on the stump? It’s all about how much he hates his own best invention, Romneycare. I have had some experience now using the health insurance that Mitt helped reduce the cost for in Massachusetts, and all I can say is, “thanks Mitt!”  He may be running away from it, but it’s saved me a ton of dough since I dropped a bucket of salt on my foot the other day and broke my foot.

It started with the x-ray–three views of my busted up metatarsal which is the bone just above my pinky toe. Smashed badly. Then the visit to the physician’s assistant at Baystate Franklin Medical Center, who spent a relaxed 2o minutes with me talking about my injury and about the town we both live in.

This would prove to be quite a contrast with today’s rushed visit to the orthopedist–who through my five minute visit never even looked at my foot, instead, he focused on a overdue bill that seemed to have popped up on my chart and then quickly brought me out to see the picture of the x-ray, which he seemed much more comfortable looking at than my black and blue left foot. The specialist did spend some time backing up my assertion that traveling to India wasn’t a good idea…and that he had never been to India, because he prefers to visit Africa, where he said he goes hunting.

I never knew that in 2008 I apparently visited these same people and was treated for carpal tunnel syndrome. Really? I better check my blog to see if that really happened. I’m happy to pay but for the life of me can’t ever recall having this condition. Tomorrow it’s off to an orthotist’s shop where I’ll get a brace that should make walking a little easier. Still, I’m damn glad I won’t be boarding the JFK airport monorail for that long walk through the terminals.