CSS, CMS and other Mysteries
We visited with a few high tech companies this week, trying to get help with some of the mysteries of running a website. We would like to move to a Content Management System, so that we can put up our stories the way the big boys do. Newspaper and magazine […]
Coining New Words for the 00s
We found these words on the web, a derivitive no doubt of Wired Magazine’s monthly list of new terms found that more accurately describe life in 2004. 1. CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles. 2. PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm and […]
New York Sunday Times & Howard Hughes
What a joy to once again relax with the fat and redolent New York Sunday Times. No other paper has writers with such style and class, no one can put their finger on the East Coast Pulse like the Sunday Styles section. One essay that stood out was by Katherine […]
Google Print
Reading in Web Pro News about the latest from Google, the publishing en masse of scholarly books to the web. It is turning the indexers into the content creators….let’s listen in. Although Google Print is in the pilot stage, the future looks promising. The possibilities of having these incredible libraries […]
Dazzling People and New Digs
We met with a dazzling young lady today, who impressed us with her poise, sophistication and earnest interest in what we do. We have long felt that GoNOMAD is a brand that people can understand and relate to, and that the potential is there to push and cultivate our brand […]
Wither the Dolla
Travelers like us have a common fear, and it is one of those fears that comes back with a vengence and can cut both ways. I remember being in New Zealand in 2001, and savoring the beers that “only cost $4.00 NZ,” since that was $2.00 US. But I also […]
Do we really Wanna Win the Lottery?
How many years will it be until the steely eyed perpetrator Scott Peterson, is put to death? Knowing California’s famous recalcitrant 9th court, probably never. What was it that put this case into its OJ sized frame? Why do we care so much about every detail of this terribly sad […]
Getting Connected
Today feels like a big day for gonomad, we had some amazing contacts come in that made us feel like the pieces of the puzzle are all falling into place. We posted three new stories about such diverse subjects as Finding a Bathroom Overseas, sailing the South Pacific in a […]
Broadway and Playboy
Seeing the grand musical 42nd Street on Broadway at the Ford Theater in New York City with my mother Valerie Hartshorne was a great fun event.
Another Sign that Travel is Rebounding Big Time!
From the Boston Herald: Now boarding: Airline starts Ireland trips American Airlines is hoping to cash in on a tourism boom with a nonstop flight to Shannon, Ireland, slated for takeoff in May. More Irish travelers are coming to Boston to take advantage of the cheap dollar while Ireland remains […]
The Sweet Mystery of Linking Strategy
There is no end to the emails that come forth from other website owners asking to link to them. But the game is to know which ones to PAY FOR and which ones to just delete. Recently, the talk on the web was about a scurrilous notion that Google Page […]
Dining in Downtown Hartford in Style
Hartford has never been a very impressive place, not really a place you’d think about when naming cool, hip, with-it places you’d want to be. But I had lunch today in the downtown’s swankest and most posh restaurant. Max Downtown. The wine was crisp and the Nantucket scallops were sweet. […]
Instapundit, little green footballs, free ipods
I’m catching on to the power and incredible wealth of information that pours forth from the blogger’s universe…and also that people are funny about blogs. I hesitate to recommend that people read this blog but put it in my signature and secretly hope like hell someone will leave me a […]
A 5000 foot deep cave in Mexico
Read a dispatch late last night about exploring. The latest issue of wired is edited by James Cameron, who is more of a scientist than a filmmaker, but he filmed one recently 2700 feet below the ocean. They focused on animals that thrive around vents that spew red hot water […]
Rick Steves: Travel can mend a fractured world.
Rick Steves is a thoughtful and well respected travel writer. In fact his book Rick Steve’s Italy, is the best selling travel book on the market. Which is funny because more travelers go to England than Italy, but it appears the prefer to read more about Italy. Just before the […]
Bloggin Questions–cleaner look vs. revenue?
Thinking about the lure of lucre vs the clean look of the blog. On our website, gonomad.com, we include many google ads, that match up with the content. this program is what has made Sergie Brin and Larry Page into billionaires, these little green ads that appear on the sides […]
Getting Rid of Traffic signs, stoplights and curbs
Read a wise article in the most recent Wired about a new trend in traffic management. A 30-year expert in traffic patterns and management, Hans Monderman, from Holland, talks about how they removed the road markings, traffic lights and some pedestrian crossings to a dangerous intersection where four roads converge….and […]