Nathaniel Javier Cosme–Welcome Grandson!

Sunday morning in the California desert. The winds are gone, and the Mother’s Day is peaceful here. Early Saturday morning I got news that tops anything I can think of to write about this resort. My daughter Kate, a nurse in Miami, gave birth to her first child, and named him Nathaniel Javier Cosme. He is a blue-eyed dark haired eight pounder, and was induced after a long wait.

Mother, son and Dad Francisco are all doing well in Miami, and in a few months will make the move north to South Deerfield. Honoring my father Nathaniel as well as me, this name is special…and of course, so is being a grandfather at age 46.

I remember well way way back in 1980 when Kate was born. Almost no one we knew had children, we’d bring Kate along to parties and get togethers and she had only a few playmates. I thought then, as I looked ahead, that there would be benefits of having started a family at age 21. Indeed, I can’t wait to see my new grandson.