Trying to Make the Molding Fit in My Old House

My kitchen project is inching forward, though everything it seems is more complicated than it should be. It always comes down to the age of the house, which was built in the 1920s.  Because of its age, the walls aren’t exactly true and straight, so working on the moldings and the baseboards is tricky.

Window trim and the start of the molding in the remodeled house.
Window trim and the start of the molding in the remodeled kitchen.

Today when Bill came with the pre-painted moldings to install them, he realized quickly that he needed his planer to get the strips to fit the tops of the walls. Oh well, back to the shop.

I’ve had a strange very solo week here at the hacienda, a week that’s been different. I’ve been spending more and more time by myself, and not staying over at Mary’s house. I feel that a change is on the horizon, that a change is due.

Alone in the House

I never ever thought I’d spend this much time all day and all night, alone in my house.  Without a housemate, after Jen moved out a few months ago, now I both enjoy and dread the solitude.

I do like having the choice to make anything I want for dinner but I’d like it if someone ate dinner with me, or was around to tell me how the lemony white bean and turkey soup with kale turned out.  Well, I liked it, but…

The work I’m doing on the house, today it was scraping some woodwork and painting it, is almost always satisfying. The project is close to my heart and I have help so I’m not floundering all alone. But having these projects to do and watching the work proceed has been very satisfying. We’ll take a break to let the cabinet makers catch up, so we hopefully can get the cabinets and stuff all in place for the granite supplier to make his measurements.

This is the top of the kitchen door that I scraped and painted before we put it back up.
This is the top of the kitchen door that I scraped and painted before we put it back up.

I guess I should give myself some time to relax at home and enjoy the weekend and for that matter the week.  As weeks go by, more winter is on its way and with that, more and more of us will be getting the vaccine.

There is nothing on more people’s minds than getting that jab and no longer being afraid of catching COVID and risking the terrible effects that we hear way too much about.

The stories are horrifying yet so remote–nobody I know has these dreadful lonely tales of people dying–so it’s removed from my day to day. But we just crossed 400,000 deaths, so it’s gotta come closer soon. I dread this.

I’ve never craved the chance to throw a big party and have all of those people who I miss so much come over and give me hugs. GOD that would be great.  The best we can do is next week is to coordinate our COVID tests and quickly jump on the chance to play poker. It’s only five guys

Once again is this something that’s testing me, and am I wrong to even think that we can safely gather, share playing cards and oxygen and not get the dreaded disease? I sure hope so because this blank slate of day after day, week after week with no plans, no social life, and just plain nothing is driving me crazy.