Moving Forward as Grandkids Brighten my Weekend

I am in a great mood tonight as Friday moves ahead. No, not because of what happened in Washington. It’s more that I am excited about the days ahead, and that my friends, is the key to happiness!
I’m spending the weekend with the grandkids, can’t wait. I don’t ever feel like I get to see them enough. And soon they’ll be so grown up they won’t want to come over to Grandpas and have dumplings.
I’ve passed the point of nervous about being prepared, I am going to rely a little more on my gut and instincts about what to say in the presentation, and I like the slides I made. Very stark and not too much text. I don’t want to be a Powerpoint Reader up there.
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some of the photos for stories coming out or already published on GoNOMAD. I often think of how lucky I am to be able to read and publish so many interesting travel stories and see all of these photos and read people’s stories. The photo above was taken in Moldova by Paul McDougal, the story is coming out soon on GoNOMAD.