Sometimes Staying Home Can Be as Tempting as the Trip

I have a mixed and sometimes turbulent relationship with travel.  Some times, there is nothing more delicious than having an upcoming trip loom closer and closer, and getting ready by making plans, phone calls and reservations for exotic new places to stay and things to see.  Or poring over an itinerary, thinking of wearing the warm clothes you’ll need and contemplating the experience.

But then there are those other times of the year, when I feel privileged to answer the question of ‘where are you going?’ with–no where for a while. Things build up, lawns have to be raked, things need to be put away, and work needs to be done. This month is always the turnaround month, the month for the sobering up experience of taxes; the planning of summer events, and again and again it means no travel for a while. Ahhhh.  The suitcases will stay down in the basement, no local parties or celebrations will be missed, there is no where to go until May.

For this month, the decision must be to go….go to the gym…write the stories from the trips I just came back from…and relish the life in this small town that I enjoy so much, without the distraction of a trip coming up before I’m good and ready and rested.