So Many Things To Do, I Can’t Get Any of them Started
Everyone around me is sniffling and I search in vain on Google to find out if this is nationwide. Nothing about my presumed ‘national cold’ comes up in searches. Sigh. Gary Boghoff, owner of Berkshire Brewing, comes into the cafe and his eyes tell me that he too has had this cold, this sniffly achy thing. “All my brewers usually wear shorts, and they’re all sick too,” he said.
It’s a good time for a little break, even if it is only for one day and it’s not even during a weekday. My list of stuff I gotta do is too long to even begin. I could write out a list, but even that seems like a dreadful tedium. I have to write two articles, send out a newsletter, watch a video about food allergies, talk to an employee about his attitude…oh yes and have lunch with my friend Ed and finish wrapping presents.
I’ll head back to the house and grab my grandson Nathan, who will at that point have driven his mother crazy and she will be begging for some relief. Glad there’s no where I have to go, glad that there’s a fire and plenty of dry wood, and glad to be celebrating Christmas right here in South Deerfield with a houseful of relatives, friends and cats.
December 23, 2010 @ 4:35 pm
Wish you a Merry Christmas Max.