Quadruplets Add Four to Yale’s Class of 2014

I dialed up the NY Times on line this morning as I sipped my first cup of coffee. There I read about quadruplets from Connecticut who all got the same joyous news…they saw the blue screen, then the Eli bulldog, which meant that they had all been accepted into Yale.
Ray Crouch got the news first. Then Kenny, also 18, then Carol, who the article said wears her hair in an oversized Afro, got in. Finally, Martina, who is described as wearing ‘a smudge of red makeup under each eye, to promote eye contact, got her yes.
It’s a first for Yale, they’ve never accepted a troupe of quads before.
But these high achieving kids aren’t done selecting colleges yet. Some have interviews with Harvard, one sister likes Wesleyan and Kenny has apps into Princeton and Johns Hopkins. He’s a stand-out sprinter too.
So this is all great news, but imagine being father. You now have four Ivy League tuitions to fork over for…probably 200K a year. He’s a civil servant with a low salary, I guess the next stop is the financial aid office.