Settled in at the Javits with Wi-Fi and Ready to Rock

Well, here we are….we’ve set up the booth at the Javits, we’ve even got our Wi-Fi working in the booth, and everything’s set for the big show. Last night we walked the frigid and windy streets, it’s always so great to be back in Manhattan, I thought, and we did our post dinner amble along side streets until we stopped into the Pig and Whistle for a pint.

But it wasn’t going to be a long visit, just enough to sip the brew and soon we were off toward the Marriot Marquis, home for the next three nights. The room is up on the 29th floor with Times Square’s garish lights blinking below. I can’t remember a better night’s sleep than last night.

We discovered a bit of a problem when we unfurled our gigantic banner. It was measured too high, so there is about two feet of vinyl bunched up on the floor. Oops! I will have to figure out how I could have measured it that wrong…but the only little problem is a surplus of banner that bunches at the bottom. Oh well.

Now it’s time to park the GoNOMAD Cafe truck and then visit some of the day’s seminars. At 2 pm it will be showtime and place will be full of travel industry types, all stopping by and asking us, ‘so what is GoNOMAD anyway? Our little flyers tell a better answer and we will be giving out thousands.