The Office is Hoppin’ Late Tonight

I got a task done today that has been on my mind for weeks. Boy it was good to hit send, and give Jeremy all of the info he needs about my Search Engine Optimizing workshop at the Boston Globe Travel Show on February 22.

I’ll have to get an early start, and motor in to a 10:30 speaking engagement. I will present common sense advice to make your website come up higher in organic Google searches. I love this topic and spend much of my day reading up, tweaking and playing with the algorithm in my head and listing and re-listing the principals that make some sites come up high, and others low.

I was pleased to hear from Tom Vannah that he was publishing my story about Vero Beach in the Valley Advocate this week. This is the first issue that will be printed on the Gazette’s shiny new Italian press.

We’ve also added a new feature on GoNOMAD that provides a sound gallery of radio shows archived by topic from the Around the World Radio Show. Now you can listen to interviews about the topics of the articles.