An Assemblage of Siblings Relaxing in Jersey

P1070063 747261 When I bought my Nissan truck for the cafe, I didn’t realize that it was purely a short-radius vehicle. It’s great for popping back and forth from the house to the cafe, and sometimes for a jaunt down to Holyoke or Costco. But last night I took the rig on the longest ride of its life…and emerged from the cramped cab feeling wigged out and tired. It was a rainy slog down I-287 to my sister’s house in Harbourton NJ, where she had planned a big St. Stephen’s Day Party last night.

I walked into the party which was full of my sisters and many friends from my parent’s neighborhood, and everyone wanted to get me a drink, or shake hands, or say hello. I was beat, that little truck just isn’t made for a 6 hour trip.

But I settled in to talking to my old pal Reed, and to my father Nat, and as the night wore on and I relaxed on the comfy sofas at Jen’s big house, I caught up with everyone and felt great. Today I’ve got my three sisters here and it’s a mellow and slow day at this country estate.

We all woke up late today and enjoyed cafe coffee while the dogs played outside. Sister Anne shared tales of horrible dates, and Jen chimed in with her own tales of woe (before she got married) and with no commitments and ample supplies to keep us all sated, it’s a quiet day on vacation.