Comings and Goings in the GoNOMAD Cafe

We’ve got some interesting events coming up in the cafe and today it was time to figure out the details. First I got a visit from Attorney Bill St. James, who lived in Deerfield before moving south a few years ago. We are working with Bill to offer a ‘Procrastinator’s Workshop,’ where cafe customers can set up a will and other documents and meet all at once in the cafe to have them signed and notarized. Since it is one of the things I’ve been putting off for years, I figured I’d have this event in the cafe.

Tomorrow we host Hidden Tech again, a group of people who work at home and like a chance to get out and socialize and network with other such workers. So we’re having a Hidden Tech social at the cafe on Tuesday night. It’s always fun to see who turns up and many of these folks are doing very interesting, albeit hidden projects. Having the computers gives us a chance to have them show us what they do.

I worked most of the day on author Peter Heller’s new website. He’s an old chum with a lot of adventures to tell about, and his site was designed by my artist friend Dave Chouinard. Watching the site come together is fun because Pete is so enthusiastic about it, and I’m quite pleased with the result.

Finally, Chip Ainsworth stopped into say hello. He looked dapper and told us some stories about his job as a Sheriff’s process server. He writes a weekly column in the Recorder that I almost never miss. It’s funny and full of great quotes.