Dreams, Goals, and Hope at 33,000 Feet

Winging our way back home from Sweden, in this Airbus 330 I am able to recap all of the things this trip has inspired me to think about. In the internet and cafe business, you meet people and see ideas in action that make you think you should try them. Here are some of the things I will try out upon my return:

*Configuring GoNOMAD’s travel content to be viewed on mobile screens. I heard from a web developer that the program we use, Dreamweaver, can save pages in this tiny format. We will give that a try, so on the go people can read the stories.

* Approaching Mark Cuban of HD-Net about developing programs based on GoNOMAD stories. Hey, he said he’s looking for content, so why not use our articles as the basis for great video. We’ve already got Sony working like mad, maybe the combo will work! High Def is perfect for travel video.

*Expanding the size of the GoNOMAD Cafe so we have a bar where people can sit, and twice as much room for people to hang. Hey if we’re gonna do this, we need more than 16 seats and the bar would give 8 people someplace to hang.

*Finding a larger outlet to publicize and promote our network of blogs. We’ve got seven excellent, literate, carefully written and constantly updated blogs. This is a valuable stable of talent, and we will find a publisher/media outlet who can bring these blogs to the next level. Be ready fellow GoNOMAD bloggers, 2007 is our break out year!

* Turning our new websites Flygonomad.com and Gonomadairfares.com into dynamic and profitable transaction sites. We publish a content site now, that’s great for inspiration. But if we want people to buy, they need to go to a buying site. We aim to push and pull and link the hell out of these sites to make that buying come true in real numbers. We will take all we know about SEO and make these sites rock!

*Bringing new web developers, more interns, and more energetic and clever people on board to help us steer our way into podcasts, specialized RSS feeds, audio clips for every story and an internet travel radio show people can download and listen to so that each story goes way beyond just the words and pictures. Stay tuned, watch us, we WILL do all or more than this in 2007!