Ohh, A Bike Trail, I’m So Scared of the Bike Trail!"
Bought the Gazette today, and read this heartwarming story about Southampton’s rail trail efforts. The previous attempt to build a rail trail back ten years ago, “never gained the necessary votes to approve what would have been the town’s share of the project, about $75,000. That amount reflected a portion of over a million dollars in state and federal grants that would have gone toward a a joint trail trail with Easthampton and Northampton. Easthampton’s has been in use for a couple of years now, to the appreciation of the public.
But ten years ago Southampton residents raised concerns that the trail would bring crime into the community and devalue neighboring properties. HOW FUNNY! With expensive gas, who doesn’t want a bike/hike trail going past your house? As other greenways and trails are accepted all around the valley, the idea becomes not so foreign. “Good ideas never die,” he said.
Kent E St. John
June 28, 2006 @ 1:25 pm
Love my rail trail here in Cottekill!
Sachem Head
June 28, 2006 @ 3:52 pm
Blowhard pundits said the same thing about light rail in Florida. The “crime rail” they called it. Like burglars would be riding away on the train with bags full of loot from your house.