Yaz and Ted Don’t Go Fishing

“From certain angles, the tanned Yaz looks like Ted Williams in the old Sears fishing ads. Tanned and muscular, but much quieter,” writes the Boston Globe.

“On these September fishing trips, in a place where the coast of Massachusetts is protected and timeless, where the geese outnumber the people, Yaz relaxes, and the memories come flowing back.

”I remember Ted asked me to go fishing with him once at Winter Haven,” he says. ”It was one of those ponds that are stocked with fish. He told me not to bring any live bait. I got there and he was already waiting for me. He said, ‘What’s in the cooler?’ and I said, ‘I brought a couple of beers.’ He said, ‘No beer on this boat,’ and I said, ‘No fishing for me on this boat. See ya.’ “

Now Yaz just brings bottled water. ‘I haven’t drank beer for 15 years,’ he says.”