Win Around the World Airline Tickets: Now That’s a Prize!
Today was a sodden yet rewarding day. That’s because I got a card from a former intern, Christa Romano, who has found a job in the Big Apple and starts work in a PR agency next week. Christa was one of our interns and did a great job…so to pay her back I lobbied for her and passed along her name to a bunch of people in the business.
It’s satisfying to be a success in business. But it’s way more satisfying to help a young person get a start, to get that leg up. That’s the thing about our internships. They provide really valuable experience…and ultimately help when it comes to getting a job after they graduate.
Today another cool development. My webmaster pals and I are working on a promotion with a very, very huge prize. And I just hooked a travel company into donating a fantastic additional prize. So when we begin to promote this contest, there will be further encouragement to win big prizes, and it will make everyone excited and want to enter.
Giveaway contests are best when the prize is really great–how about winning two tickets around the world?–and if it’s not a big hassle to enter. We plan to make it easy, and my buddies at the other travel websites and I will hash out the details when we meet at Phocuswright in November.