GoNOMAD Travel Slices Now Playing on WHMP-AM

I’m sitting on my deck watching our flock of chickens do what they love best….take dirt baths and  fluff all of that dirt into their feathers. Oh, the joys of country living.  These are the best composters in the world!  This week I was pleased to hear from a good friend who had heard my new travel radio program on the local AM radio station WHMP.

It’s a new concept and brief like so many attention spans these days. What we are doing is offering a story, a slice, a little piece of a trip you might hear from a friend if you’re sitting having coffee or at a bar. It’s a story, a tale from one of my trips, that takes about 90 seconds to tell. We mix in a little bit of relevant music and it’s a neat little package. I’m hoping it will make it  on to the FM, but for now, listeners can find it on the news station.

My debut segment was about the Jubilee in Mobile, Alabama. Never heard of a jubilee?  Well, if you give a listen you discover that the jubilee is when the crabs, shrimp, fish and other sea creatures all beach themselves because of the ocean temperature in the summer and the whole town of Fairhope Alabama descends on the beach with coolers to pick it all up. It’s a tradition there, and it made a fun story.

Soon we will have many more of these tales, short little slices designed to share just a bit of a trip.  And thanks to our sponsor, my friend Dr. Stuart Rose, who runs the Travel Medicine Center.  Like all good things, we’ve got it paid for too!