What Were They Doing on Saturday Night?
It’s funny sometimes when I sit down to write a blog. It’s as if this screen is giant canvas, empty of anything, waiting to be created. I think about the people I see in my travels; the people who work for me at our businesses, all with the details of their lives and the different paths that each one takes.
Last night I shouted out on Twitter to a friend named Jaclyn, I asked her what she was doing tonight. I asked the same of a Twitter follower named Global Gourmet…what would their Saturday night consist of on April 28th 2010?
Jackie was on the cape. She said she was listening to peepers at her parents house in Dennis. GG said she was going out to dinner. I invited three friends over to enjoy dinner and a big outdoor fire. One never made it out of bed, somewhat depressing knowing that the party started at 7 pm.
I think a lot about what people are doing at certain times, and where people are. I’m sure that thought is part of the wildfire success of Facebook. That interest in what people are doing right now…for many years I’ve thought about that and with Facebook you get some of the answers.