Condi: Crack the Whip Cool

Tina Brown in the Washington Post on Condi Rice’s evolution to cool…

For sure, it’s great to see how Condi has changed now that she’s out from under. Like Hillary Clinton’s confidence when she escaped from the suffocation of being first lady, Condi’s has begun to unfurl like a flag. The corrugated frown has vanished, apparently without the aid of Botox. The modish, martial jackets in born-again white and SoHo black are crack-the-whip cool.

Power remains the great aphrodisiac. British cabinet ministers who had no impure thoughts about Mrs. Thatcher when she was a schoolmarmy minister for education suddenly mused about the “whiff of her Chanel” as she swept into cabinet meetings as PM. I guess that’s why it all got so arch last Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and ABC’s “This Week” when Tim and George endlessly parsed their “Are-you-running-in-’08?” questions.