Reporters Call–And We Answer!

Today began with a meeting with our new bookkeeper who is going to organize us and show us how to use the wonder that is Quickbooks. Her name is Bonnie, and she has climbed big mountains with the famous outdoorsman Phil Buck. Buck is known for his voyages, among them a replica of the famous Kontiki trip drifting from South America originally taken by Thor Heyerdahl.

Our attention was called to the email, where Laura Bly, a travel writer from USA Today, queried us about “alternative accommodations,” seeing the story we have posted by Ann Waigand. But we haven’t been able to reach Ann for years. We’ve tried googling, calling old contacts, but we found no trace of this once-famous travel writer. So we hope to speak with Laura and give her some story ideas from GoNOMAD.

Because when the Big Media call, we like to give them as much as we can. In other Big Media news, we have not yet made the pages of the Wall Street Journal’s “Take offs and Landings,” column, but we will be there soon.