Coffee: America Loves the Dunk and Folgers, Ugh!

AOL polled its readers and asked them to name their favorite coffee and their favorite coffee they make at home. Below are the results of more than 89,000 votes. Shudder.

What’s Your Favorite Home Brew?

Folger’s 30%
Maxwell House 20%
Eight O’ Clock Coffee 11%
Gevalia 8%
Kona 8%
Chock Full O’ Nuts 7%
Green Mountain 6%
Jamaican Blue Mountain 5%
Newman’s Own 2%
Bustelo 2%

Pick Your Favorite Cup to Go!
Dunkin’ Donuts 33%
Starbucks 27%
7-11 11%
Mc Donald’s 9%
Wawa 5%
Caribou Coffee 3%
Peet’s 3%
Tim Horton’s 3%
Panera 3%
Krispy Kreme 1%
Burger King 1%
Sheetz 1%