Tanglewood, Tanglewood, You Never Let Us Down

The famous shed at Tanglewood.

It’s another summer and as we ease into August, it’s time for the continuation of the Tanglewood tradition. It’s time to take the pleasant drive west to Lenox to the hallowed summer playground for one of America’s best symphonies, the Boston Symphony. No matter what the program is, it’s mostly about the picnic, and the lawn, and the genteel feeling of the crowd, and finally when the 2:30 pm bell rings, it’s about a reverent quiet to let the music begin.

I sometimes try to make really fancy food, but this time, we’re just bringing some odds and ends, and we will bring our big giant blue umbrella and stake out our site on the grounds.  Nothing is ever really different at Tanglewood, it’s not a place where we want anything new. No, just that same old mellow experience that we know and love.

Mark and Maureen
Mark and Maureen
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I think the first time I ever went to Tanglewood was way, way back, perhaps it was in 2000. WOW.  I only have photos that date back to 2016, but I’m sure my legacy of the lawn goes back much further. Another summer, another chance to hear one of the best symphonies in the world, right nearby in Lenox, Mass.