Share Good News When You Have It, I Say

Growing kale, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and a lot more in South Deerfield, MA.
Growing kale, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and a lot more in South Deerfield, MA.

I have a lot of great things to report, and I am happy to be the bearer of good news, not bad.  The first great thing is about — our new design is really working. The bounce rate is now down below 20 %, where before it was drastically higher.  That means people are searching our site and finding stories they enjoy reading. Our traffic is climbing and I have a new consultant working with me to find the right advertisers for our site.

That makes me happy. And I like the latest look of our email newsletter, it’s now got big impressive images and less text.  We have grown the list and this too, is pleasing.

My garden is the best it has been since….years!   I put in these drip hoses that water every plant one by one by drip irrigation underneath a huge 10 x 40 piece of black plastic. So I have no weeds.  Harvesting many tomatoes, kale, basil, peppers both hot and sweet.

My cat, Mama Cat,  is almost 18 years old and she is healthy, happy to see us after our absence in Canada last week, and as usual, pacing her territory, our yard and garage.  Never sets foot out of the border. She is a constant companion who provides us with love.

I am feeling confident about some potential new business. A different direction but still content, creating articles for a project.  Our sales person Donna Merrill is working hard to get proposals out to many of the people I met at the past three shows. We are looking for destinations that want to reach travel blogger audiences.