Tully Lake Awaits

Tully Lake is located north of Athol, a beautiful state park great for camping.
Tully Lake is located north of Athol, a beautiful state park great for camping.

We’re heading for four days of relaxation around the campfire at Tully Lake in nearby Athol.  This state park is unique, because the camp-sites are located away from where the cars are parked. So we don’t have to put up with that familiar car-camping sound of car doors opening, alarms going off, and especially, music blaring from car stereos.

Instead, at Tully, they provide garden carts which are used to transport all of our stuff to our lakeside campsites. And best of all, we choose our spots way, way back in the frigid month of March, so we have claim to the nicest, closest-to-the-water sites in the whole place.   Tully is a great place for kayaking, there’s a reed-filled river that’s perfect for a leisurely paddle, and there is a hiking path that goes around the lake.  Mary has had a tradition of camping at Tully for ten years, it’s an annual tradition that last year was not fulfilled. Last year we missed the deadline and had to settle for Lake Dennison.

But we’ll be back and I can’t wait to very little—except make food on the fire, and sit in our camp chairs. Rarely do I enjoy such extended moments of downtime, but I think this nice long four-day weekend is going to really hit the spot!