A Satisfying Sunday Getting a Lot Done

Today was a satisfying day, one where you could make a list and joyfully cross off each thing you got done. After our bummer winter, everyone like me with a yard is eager to get out there and clean it up. So I groomed the grass and filled three huge garbage cans, then went to work on my pesky driveway drain.
I’ve watched my driveway fill up with water every time it rains hard since I moved into this house in 1992. But there is a drain and for at least a few years, it evacuated the water from the depression in the pavement. But it stopped working and it’s been a lake, frozen or just watery, for way too long. So I’ve bought a sump pump and plan to put in place an effective solution with a sump, a pump, and some tubing.
Then it was time for the first official artists reception at the Arts Bank. This former Bank of America building has the potential to bring so many people in town together, it could be a great addition to our town that really needs a jumpstart. I hope we all do our best to attend and spread the word about the kids classes.
Founder Jane Trigere was there, and the crowd was enthusiastic as we viewed different forms of art, from prints to wooden block sculptures, and in the back, a pack of kids designed their own art projects. I ran into many Deerfielders I know and was happy to hear of Jane’s plans to offer kids art classes and more exhibits in the months to come. She looked happy at the big turn out!
It was such a nice day I had to drive to Trader Joe’s. But I did not go crazy, just buying those things like their Tuscan Pane and red curry sauce and cereal that’s actually pretty cheap–$1.99. This store seems to hire smooth, easy people, both as cashiers and managers, and every time I go it’s a fun experience. How do they do that? Maybe it’s the free coffee in a tiny cup.