Among the Legions of Cunninghams in Seven Springs Pennsylvania

I’m in the thick of a huge family surrounded by brothers, sister, inlaws, young relatives and even the tiny tots who make up the Cunningham family. After a somewhat arduous drive, six hours in the rented van, we made it. We had a harrowing experience when we blew a tire on the Long Island Expressway which was so packed with speeding cars there was no way we could have changed the tire there. But after switching to another van, we left NYC and made it to the big family dinner that begins each family reunion here.

We are in Seven Springs Pennsylvania, it’s a big huge state and we’re way way out west. Accommodations are comfy in this condo complex and the big dinner was held at a place called Out of the Fire Cafe. I am not sure of the story there but it was nice to dine in a place where we could bring our own wine. I counted three boxes of wine at the table–it seems many of us have graduated to boxes from bottles—it’s just a lot easier to pack the box that’s four bottles than tote the glass.

Now everyone has retreated to the indoor pool, and just me and a few laggards remain here in the condo. Is this a hint that I should wrap up this blog and get out and socialize with the legions of Cunninghams? I guess so.

Tonight we’ll toast Jim Cunningham’s 91st birthday by wearing our finest to a Pittsburgh restaurant called Dell’s. It was once featured on Restaurant Impossible, the show where the fierce British restaurant expert kicks butt and transforms a place into something that will make money and not go out of business.