Setting the Dates is the First Priority of a Year Traveling

I have a ritual of removing my old calendars off of the wall and when I put the new ones up, one page for each month of 2012, I eagerly await seeing how it will be filled up with travel.
People who travel a lot have to pick their spots. I always avoid having one trip right after another, because without a break in between journeys it really feels onerous. But I often don’t have control over the dates, so they come at me and I try to splice and dice the dates to work. Some trips are so tempting I say yes even when the dates aren’t the best.
Today a guy named Skip who promotes a ski area in Oregon called. He wants to get some writers out to a barely-known mountain called Mt Bachelor. So I put that in for early March. Then I have blocked off a week at the end to go to India and stay in Taj Hotels.
When I found out that I’d have to go alone to a planned trip to North Carolina, I took it off of April’s calendar. A long road trip without any companion isn’t much fun, I decided.
Now I’m trying to figure out if I can do a road trip to Colorado for a blogger’s meeting in the middle of June. Drive to Colorado? The idea kind of sounds fun.
January 18, 2012 @ 4:28 am
Boy it’s tough being us, isn’t it?