Travel Writers Get Gifts–Topics–Every Time We Hit the Road

Peter Overstreet, curator of a Steampunk exhibit in Anaheim CA.

Steampunk? A ride in a flight simulator? YEAH, sign me up! I’m just off the phone with Juan Flores, who handles the press for the city of Anaheim/Orange County Visitor and Convention Bureau.

I’ll stop by the city en route to New Zealand in late November, and I’ll have some time to see what Flores has to brag about. I love asking a guy like this to step up to the plate. Show me buddy, show me your city, show me what’s cool, what’s new, what I can write about.

And you know, they usually do have some cool things to share, and then I get deeper, asking them to introduce me interesting local people. Here is where I’ll meet the man who curated the Steampunk exhibit at a local museum. I never know what neat new attractions, museums and people await me. The topics are like Christmas presents, waiting to be opened and explored.

Travel writers are curious, and eager to share whatever they find with their readers. Please, surprise me Juan, I’m up for anything!