Andrew McCarthy: Looks, Talent, and a Damn Good Travel Writer Too!

In all of our individual avocations, there are people who shine brighter, and sometimes pull out a twingeof envy as they seem to be able to say it better, get it published in bigger outlets, and just have a sort of star power that dazzles. I never stop giving props to those who truly master my occupation, travel writing.

Last night I read a travel article in the Weekend WSJ that turned my head. It was so well done, so cleverly written, and yet not a long story at all. It was about taking a 12-passenger luxury river boat down a wild stretch of the Amazon in Peru.

I publish hundreds of travel stories on GoNOMAD and read them all of the time and this one shone like a brighter sun. Why? Perhaps I gotta give credit to the topic….anything in exotic South America on a small boat usually catches my eye. But it was brilliantly written and I give him hats off.  The lead called me to read the piece, “We’re three days deep into the rain forest. In the night, the orange glow from a half-dozen kerosene lamps is visible on the riverbank–the only sign of a village whose name I’ll never know.

The next day I google the byline–Andrew McCarthy. The same chap who was once a Brat Pack actor, is now recognized by several groups at the WORLD’S BEST TRAVEL WRITER! I mean, he’s on staff for Atlantic and here he is interviewed by a gushing Campbell Brown on CNN, saying he’s the greatest too.

He’s a boyish looking man with a great head of hair and an insoucient smile. I now recall reading about his making the transition–I can guarantee it wasn’t for the money–from potential leading man actor to globetrotting top level travel writer. Now he’s directing movies and fitting in the travels in during his hiatuses.

But he’s got the chops, he’s got the assignments, and he’s going great guns. Hats off to you, Sir McCarthy, you’ve gained another fan.