It’s the Eve of the Day That I Get My Life Back

I have been writing this blog, Readuponit, since November 2004. A friend quoted me from a February 2006 post the other day when I was on my way to Cyprus. It’s a slightly exotic place that few people visit, and when I read the quoted text, I thought about how wonderful it is to have these posts available from nearly every day of my life.

The blog is for sharing the things that I see, hear, read or experience, and the memories of each post are strikingly clear and fresh when I look back at them. Having a record is helpful to keep track of where I went when, and it also reminds me of the richness of my life–and how lucky I am to be able to live it. Gratitude is something that I’ve come to more and more appreciate with the passage of time.

Tomorrow I will revert to the life that I had when I wrote that post on the eve of a departure. Thursday I will drive to Montreal, and over the next four days ride my bicycle with a throng of more than 30,000 other people. Yes, finally the cafe is in the rearview mirror and I’m back….doing what I was born to do.