Take That, Detroit Bashers!

Cleaning up Detroilt.Some times writers challenge us with destination stories about questionable places. Dicey places that really don’t deserve to be considered as travel destinations, but they make their case and we take a look.  I’ve been emailing with a writer from DC named Lisa Singh for a while now…her topic definitely among the more challenging.  She’s been pitching a story about travel to Detroit.

It does have potential doesn’t it? I mean how can we resist the headline she provided, “Metro Detroit: No Bulletproof Vest Needed.” She lays out the case for the beleaguered Motor City, citing some recent reasons for optimism. ”

The glory days may indeed be over for Motown and motors, but at least one thing hasn’t been entirely exhausted: the passion of those who live around here for the city and its history.

Because, after everything else has gone to seed, it’s the people who are this city’s last best brand. And, like some last man standing, they’re eager to rebuild. And let you in on what you’re missing.”

Lisa enjoys a tour of the legendary Ford Rouge plant and meets pub owners and others who believe that their city will climb back out of its rough patch soon.  Lisa says it’s the immigrants from Poland and Arab countries who are the most positive and are driving the comeback of the city.

Stories that provide a glimpse of local people who believe in living there are what make GoNOMAD unique and what gives us our optimism. We go everywhere, and we like to think we find the good everywhere too. Even Detroit.