The Red Shirts Keep Me From Thailand…for Now Anyway

redshirts3As we settle into a very summer-like day here in Deerfield, I am somewhat relieved. That’s because my planned trip to Thailand has been postponed, due to the army of Red Shirts who are protesting against the government and making things difficult for travel around Bangkok.  Today’s news is that they stormed the Parliament and lawmakers fled out the back door and out windows!

This is the first time I can recall that a trip was cancelled just days before departure.  My dad had asked me last week  if I was nervous venturing into a city filled with protesters, and as usual, I said no way, but I emailed ny contact asking if things were ok.

A day later, the trip was off. I understand–who wants to promote a city’s tourism attractions  if they are stuck in a traffic jam or watching angry protesters who don’t like the current regime?

While I am still very keen on seeing Thailand, and especially for the chance to cross over the river to Laos, I’m not at all sure when this trip can happen. Protesters in the country in 2008 kept the airport in a state of siege, and intimidated tourists so that very few were eager to come.  The two sides are pretty far apart.  I am crossing my fingers because Thailand remains a fantastic place to see, and I’m sure eventually I’ll get there.