Welcome to the World Valerie Sofia Cosme!

nathan and sofie 1 day old 700292
We had big news in a teeny tiny package last night, as Valerie Sofia Cosme came into the world. What a little joy she is! My second grandchild emerged healthy and happy at just under eight pounds at Franklin Medical, where Kate works…the ultimate busman’s holiday, on December 26.

We went up with Nathan and Francisco to see baby sister, and it was hard for the little guy not to paw away at Sofia’s tiny face and adorable two-hours-old fingers. He’s quite proud to have her in the family and of course we are all pleased that Kate’s pregnancy has ended with such a splendid result!

There will be photos…oh yes there will be plenty of photos of the tiny cherub in this space shortly. For now, I’m glad to be finished with grandpa babysitting and for the family to return home to Deerfield soon.