Building a Missile Silo up on Mt Sugarloaf
It felt great to be back in the cafe once again. One bit of news that perked me up was when Sara told me that one of the producers of the film “Edge of Darkness,” part of which will be shot on top of Mount Sugarloaf, had stopped by the cafe and taken five menus. “Subway isn’t our kind of place,” she told the staff. The gals were all abuzz and wanted to be the ones to make the delivery personally when Mel Gibson and Robert DeNiro come to the Mountain top to shoot some scenes from October 8-10. You can’t buy this kind of excitement!
Then around noon six burly construction guys ambled into the cafe. One wore a Panavision cap–obvious film crew swag. They all ordered lunches, and after they were done I asked them about the scenes up on Sugarloaf. “We are turning the lookout tower into a bad guy’s lair, with a ballistic missile silo,” they said. It would take a few weeks, and most of them were local, one guy was from Westhampton.
They said they like the view up there, and they all liked their sandwiches too. So we hope to have them back again soon, and to get more details about the bad-guy enemy lair they are building, that they will tear down after the actors and crew leave Deerfield on October 10.
September 9, 2008 @ 7:18 am
Send in Sarkozy and the French Legion!! gald your backkent