Sneaking into the Office to Catch Back Up

It’s been quite a while since I woke up in my own bed with my familiar cat, Mama, lying next to me. It’s great to be back home and to vault again into my two-ring circus of a job. I did of course do what bosses often do and snuck back into the office on Sunday to catch up with old email and peruse the postal mail that came in. No big surprises. Then I had to get ready to play poker ditto, no surprises, I lost all the money I brought. But I love seeing my poker buddies.

In front me I have hand written list of about fourteen names. People I’ve gotta call today, things I need to accomplish. It’s good to be needed and good to have a roadmap, and I’ve always figured that starting out with a list I can cross off is the best way to navigate clearly.

People have asked me how hot it was over in Malaysia, and I answered that it’s really hotter here. There it hovers in the mid-eighties, here I’ve been told I missed many a day in the 90s with stiffling humidity. The rains come every day in KL, pounding down in a torrent consistently, and then after the rain clears it isn’t less humid. Unlike here, a storm doesn’t take away the heat, it just goes back to the way it was before the drops started falling.