Saying Good Bye to a Wonderful Gal
This morning we said good bye to a wonderful member of our cafe staff. Liz Bagley is moving to British Colombia, and is today picking up a puppy to join her on her long drive west.
I wrote her a note of appreciation and inside I slipped two VIP passes for two night stays at any Red Roof Inn. I Figured that with this 3000 mile journey she’ll need a place to stay en route.
People in the cafe business come and go. That’s what everybody says when I lament about losing a good one like Liz. But what I have found out after more than two years here is that people do leave and then people who are working below them rise up.
Now we are bringing Samantha back as manager and Jesse will be our assistant manager. Both of these women will step up and cover all of the bases…I will let them manage with a free-hand and give them all of the tools they need to succeed.
May 19, 2008 @ 6:07 pm