Enraged Developer Fights Trust President

Outside the deluge continues, with a ridiculous amount of rain piling up on a decent amount of snow to create a nightmare for anyone wearing leather shoes. I read deep into today’s Daily Hampshire Gazette to find a story about two clashing personalities at a recent public hearing for a proposed development. Writer Matt Pilon captured the sense that these two guys were really going at it you can just see the flared nostrils and angry looks.

“City Planner Stuart Beckley half-jokingly informed those still inattendance of the red panic button located behind their seats that would summon the police if pressed.
Boyle told the group that they should have called him with concerns before complaining to the city officials. “That was gutless.” he said. “You can call me any time.”

Boyle, visibly angry, told those gathered that he is an active member of the community who sits on six committees. “I’m the only developer that’s pro-open space.” he said. Bator, equally enraged, told Boyle that his company has built ‘ticky-tacky patchworks’ across the city.

“You’re packing it in there,” he said, “You’re destroying it.” Boyle, in turn, called Bator and the trust ‘one-sided.’ We might layoff three teachers this year, and you want to go spend a bunch of money on land,” he said. “You’re bad for the city.”

“You can’t talk to developers,” Bator said as he stormed out. “You just can’t”

Tonight the two sides face each other againj, ‘it may be a little awkward,’ Pilon wrote.