What If You Hosted a Party and it Snowed?

We woke up on this first day of 2008 to a dribbling of snow, which has now turned into a torrent. Bummer, because today is our Open House at One Green Lane, and we’ve invited 30 people over to sip wine and nibble a spiral ham. Ugh! As I sit here I watch those small little flakes that mean it’s a serious storm…not the puffy white ones that disappear, no these babies are going to add up to a bunch of inches.

So now we contemplate what to do…how many people will come? How many roasted potatoes shall we make, should we freeze half of this honkin’ ham for another day? It is a classic dilemma faced by party hosts.

Last night we were asleep before anyone blew a noisemaker. We enjoyed a Steve Buscemi movie called Interview before we retired, it was a fascinating study in two people who change as a result of a long night of drinking.

Resolutions for 2008? I will get to those soon enough!