Gibberish…But Relevant, Valuable Gibberish, to Us

Web Pro News is the Bible when it comes to trying to understand the vast web with its many secret rules and algorithms. Often, one of the big decisions a website editor makes is who to link to. Every day emails are received from someone seeking a link. And it’s a challenge to figure out which ones to accept, and which to delete. Here is a shaman who can answer, this is from Web Pro News today.

“Bob Masa, whose been in SEO for a decade (making him one of the veterans) says it doesn’t matter if you have a million or ten reciprocal links as long as they add value and relevance to your business (he addresses business only, not non-profit):

It is not about reciprocal links or how many is too many. It is about making more money from less visitors with less expense and more profit.

Don’t let your self get sucked into wasting your time judging linking opportunities with a yardstick of whether Google will think it is excessive or not. Approach each reciprocal link deal with a single thought. Will this link exchange bring me enough paying customers that I can justify recommending to my visitors to go to his site instead of staying at mine?

So there you have it, from a certified expert: use some common sense when judging reciprocal links.”