Livin’ His Dream on the Water in New Zealand

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Greg Page left California 25 years ago and came to New Zealand. After years of running surf shops, he moved to Taranaki and now operates the country’s only tandem surfing company, where he guarantees to get novice riders standing up on the long board.

We joined Greg on one of the world’s most gorgeous beaches on the Taranaki coast. Wide flat beach, black sand, and endless perfect waves breaking way out from shore. The light was inviting, this shot shows Greg toting the giant two-person board on his head.

Both Cindy and I managed to get on our feet and ride the waves. Some people rode horses here and others rode the waves with kayaks. Greg is a patient and enthusiastic surfer who knows where to find the waves…he even does a morning surf report for a local radio station. As he likes to say, “Hang 20!”