Wal-Mart Pushing the Green Tipping Point

Today’s Wall St. Journal included more evidence that yes, Wal-Mart is going green. This might be window dressing for the behemoth corporation that faces bad press over wages, but I think this is the beginning of a paradigm shift in how people view the environment.

In a speech in London, Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott called on the company’s more than 60,000 suppliers to aid its green campaign, requesting that they eliminate non-renewable energy from their processes and products, and even calling on Wal-mart’s 1.35 million employees to bike to work, and change to green lightbulbs.

Another aspect of their plan encourages Wal-Mart associates to adopt ‘Personal sustainability Projects’ on their own. Ideas like in-store recycling, organizing weight loss or smoking cessation groups.

These efforts, combined with their decision to embrace sustainable seafood and buy millions of pounds of organic produce, is pushing middle America to where we all need to go…and that’s a good thing!