Don’t You Hate it When the Shingles Give off Shocks?

Up ridiculously early this morning, for some reason five am seemed like time to rise. Jumped on the laptop and read the Boston Herald…a truly scary tale of a man who built his dreamhouse 27 feet from high tension wires.

The flourescent lights in the house were going on when they weren’t plugged in. The doorknobs and exterior shingles give off big shocks.

Chris Zagami, of North Attleboro, has lost his own $70,000 and the bank is threatening his $290,000 mortgage after he built the house too close to the flowing currents.

Despite this, he got a building permit but National Grid is saying they warned him to stop. He said they built the tower off the easement, and is thus liable. But it doesn’t matter ’cause he can’t live in the house and he’s financially sunk.