Can’t Sleep–It’s Time to Open the GoNOMAD CAFE

Today is the big day, and because of this, I cannot sleep. I spent all afternoon and most of the evening working at the new cafe, it feels like there is so much more to do that it will never be done. Buying things, making signs, creating flyers, figuring out what will go where and how we’ll serve the coffee, pastries and fruit. When I left at 11 pm, I tried to sleep, but was awake with minor details buzzing my head like tiny annoying insects.

I did not know what it would take to create a food business–my sister Jenny warned me that it was much more than the laid-back business I run doing the website. This new cafe takes so many more people, and products, and DETAILS!

That said, I haven’t been this excited for years to go open our doors and see the public coming in. Today’s the soft opening, Tuesday we will be officially part of downtown South Deerfield; Wish us luck!