The Flight to Quality–Trying to Escape Lousy DSL
Boy what a bad idea. I thought I’d save some money by switching my home internet to cheap Verizon DSL for $14.95. More than a few times I wondered if the $42.95 Comcast clipped me for each month was worth it…hey it’s all high speed, right? WRONG! Verizon suckers people in with this pathetic 758 mps speed ‘high speed’ internet that is terrible. I feel like I used to back five years ago when I first surfed the ‘Net on a dial-up.
I talked with Brian who works for a Wifi Equipment company on Long Island last week. He talked about the ‘Flight to Quality,’ meaning that people will pay more for better services, even when they begin at a low price. Well I’m dying to make that flight…and now Verizon’s number is eternally busy, and their website does not allow me to change the DSL to a faster speed on line.
After so many decades, I thought (briefly) that we might have left the dark ages of unreachable companies and unresponsive customer service call centers behind. But Verizon has got to be the worst example I’ve ever had to deal with.
November 15, 2005 @ 10:38 am
Frustrating tech stuff Having problems with my Picassa. Will not let me e-mail even with my sign on yet posting to blog works? Will it ever get easier?
February 2, 2006 @ 9:16 pm
First of all Verizon fractional DSL runs at 758kbps not Mbps, second its $8 cheaper than Earthlink dial-up which its meant to replace and not 3Mbps DSL. Third, as a website and cafe owner you’re rich enough to get a T1 never mind the $50 for a cable modem so stop bashing a workable budget solution for us working stiffs. It beats dialup by 15 times.
February 2, 2006 @ 9:45 pm
I disagree, I had that 758 speed dsl and it was hurry up and wait…it is a deception by Verizon that this is “so much better than dial-up,” it is a plain bait and switch since most people find out how slow it is and call to upgrade to the $29 option. verizon is dishonest.