TV Show Dreams Never Die

Everyman’s typical summer Saturday: Errands, dump run, and acres of lawn to be mowed. Glad to have that behind me, now back to the really important stuff. GoNOMAD’s nascent foray into television is back. We had some exciting ideas back in February and they have been percolating, laying dormant waiting for the right combination of contacts, meetings and people. There is new interest from a seasoned production company who think that our concept is strong, and they want to pitch it. We’re aiming high, of course, not local cable or obscure unwatched channels we want a national audience. Like PBS.

It takes a combination of a source for content (us), an experienced sales and marketing team (them) and of course, most important, some star power for a host. (We’re working on that) TV people these days want personality, and if we can get that, what we do with them is up to us. Of course this is a longshot, but hey, that’s what we aim for. We truly believe that our brand will be at the top in just a few short years; every day we add stories to our site, making it better and bigger. Some day, we will get there.